Monday 9 July 2007

Alistair Campbell's Diaries

As the BBC says "A penetrating insight into a fascinating period of government, or the latest bit of spin from a Blairite propagandist trying to rewrite history?"

I'd go for the latter.

I haven't read the book yet, but apparently it contains no mention of the feuding, rows, bitterness and awful relationship between Brown and Blair as it would be damaging to the Labour government. Well obviously, we cant have the truth as we'd see the government for what it really is behind the carefully crafted facade of spin and lies

Missing out the relationship between Brown and Blair in his diaries is like missing out the bit about the boat sinking in the film "Titanic"

Saturday 7 July 2007

Gordon's New Orleans

Terrible floods. Millions and millions of pounds of property damaged. People appealing on TV for help and assistance. A media that just doesn't care, the damage is far, far away and after all these people are poor. Who cares?
An arrogant and remote executive far away in the capital that doesn't even notice nor care. After all it's nearly time for holidays. Anyway there's few votes in it. No one cares?
New Orleans battered by Hurricane Katrina and that terrible flooding in August 2005?
No. Hull, July 2007 And a government that just doesn't give a toss.
Aha, the first bit of Brown sleaze. The first of many I'm sure.
Apparently just before seizing No.10 in the Brown coup, he signed over his £700,000 pied-a-terre in London to Mrs. Brown. See the article in the Torygraph

Why would he do such a thing?
I have no problem with him owning a 700K flat, nor signing it over to his wife. It's his private business. But....
Apparently Sarah Brown has released equity in the flat with a mortgage, something many people do. However generally people do this either to raise cheaper finance as they intend to buy another property, or they intend to rent it out and repay the new mortgage from rental income.
If she rents out the property then she will surely take advantage of her personal tax allowance and the tax thresholds in order to reduce her tax bill as the rental income will be declared as personal income. Sarah apparently has no source of income, so she can use her full personal allowance and the banding up to 40%.

If the income was in Mr. Browns name, given we taxpayers are generous enough to pay him £180K, he would pay 40% of every pound of rental income in tax to his government.

So he screws us for every penny, yet potentially saves himself a few quid in tax through signing his flat to his wife. Let's see if gets rented out.....

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Let's look at "Clunking Fist" Brown's announcement to parliament yesterday:

To be fair, some of this is welcome. To be less fair, some of this overdue and putting right the some of the wrongs of the Blair years in which er, Gordon was Chancellor and effectively minister for domestic policy.
Ignoring Gordon's role in the Blair government, for which he will be held accountable, I have one major problem with this.

I've studied the 2005 Labour Manifesto, Britain Forward Not Back and I can't see a single mention of any of these points. Perhaps it's my old eyes deceiving me and some Labour troll can point out where exactly the New Labour government campaigned on these points.

Other than Lords Reform, exactly what democratic mandate does Gordon Brown and New New Labour have for any of this?
Er, None.