Thursday 28 June 2007

A change for the worse

A little tear formed in the corner of my eye, a lump in my throat and a missed breath. as Tony was applauded out of parliament by 651 MPs, of which about 640 hate him and 651 were glad to see him go. Except perhaps Tessa Jowell.

Forgive me for pointing out that this was a show of utter and abject hypocrisy. Blair has not left because he had a better offer from his mate in the White House, or because he needs to complete his memoirs (he'll ghost them), or even because of his dickey heart. It's because he's been pushed out at knife point by Brown and his cronies.

Brown's demands for Blair to go had become shriller and more threatening by the moment, the Iraq war had caused febrile Labour MPs to survey their small majorities, do the maths on their fat-cat MP salaries, expenses and gold plated (with diamond accents) pensions versus what they will get if they were booted out of parliament so they reached for the emergency lever marked panic.

Compound that with Israels war with the Islamists of Hezbollah in Lebanon, where the Labour party went into collective meltdown over Blair's alignment with Bush and his refusal to demand a ceasefire, or criticise Israel. Tom Baldwin, the ludicrous Sion Simon et al, Tom having earlier discussed tactics and approval with Gordon (..sorry delivered a toy for Gordon's new son) staged a "coup" through synchronised resignation from their paperclip and photocopying junior ministerial jobs.

But it was enough and Blair knew the game was up. It was either going to end smoothly as it did on the 27th June, or very bloodily with about 20 knives sticking out of his back and a blood spattered Gordon grinning in the background. Tony chose the option without the blood. Wouldn't look good in the memoirs, or on the US lecture circuit. Better to go with a pretence of choosing.

Brown is now PM and the Brown terror has begun.

This is the new improved Gordon, whiter than white, with a new hairstyle and teeth. He's inclusive, cuddly, likes his colleagues, open and friendly, and even smiles, but only when the cameras are looking. He has become the change.

We'll see...

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